Showing posts with label Tools & Assets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools & Assets. Show all posts

Maps with All Areas Unlocked

One of my pet peeves with Cities:Skylines is that you don't have access to the entire map from the beginning. I often find myself building something temporarily to get started, only to demolish it later. I can't place my sewer outlet where i want it, and can't place the water pump where I want it either. Yet, I don't want to play in sandbox mode because I enjoy having to build up my income as I go.

To combat this situation, I created a set of saved-games where the entire map is already unlocked. I had to use mods to create these saved-games so the service buildings are all unlocked too, but I made it so you start with the standard $70,000 (give or take $100).

I made one for each of the out-of-the-box maps. Because they're saved-games, you have to load them instead of starting with a new game, even though they're completely empty ready to be built upon.

You can subscribe to the collection on Steam by clicking here.

Parallel HighwayTools

Using the two sets of Highway Tools, you can easily create parallel highways with varying sizes of curves and degrees of curvature.

If you're lazy like me, you might have trouble making highways perfectly parallel. I usually eyeball it, get it "close enough" and live with it. Despite my laziness, I'm also a little OCD so I've always wished there was an easier way.

To solve this problem, I created two sets of highway assets. There's a "Raised Highway" set and an "At Grade (Flat) Highway" set. Each has 3 radius sizes and each size has 3 angles.

Separated Highways
  • At Grade (Flat) Highways
  • Raised Highways
Each includes the following:

Small Radius
  • 22.5 Degrees
  • 45 Degrees
  • 90 Degrees
Medium Radius
  • 22.5 Degrees
  • 45 Degrees
  • 90 Degrees
Large Radius
  • 22.5 Degrees
  • 45 Degrees
  • 90 Degrees
The raised highways can be downloaded from Steam here.

The at-grade highways can be downloaded from Steam here

Layout Tips: The large radii assets snap together easy. The smaller radius ones will sometimes have overlaps. To deal with this, I will demolish a small piece and replace by hand, or leave a gap and fill with a short straight segment.